
Say goodbye to cheap flights, maybe peanuts too Airlines are scrambling to find new sources of revenue 即美国当地时间3月31日晚10时32分,经营夏威夷航线60年之久的Aloha在最后一班航班降落之后,正式宣告破产停运。紧接着,4月2日晚间,经营美国中西部航空业务的ATA公司也向美国破产法庭申请保护,并取消所有航班,辞退所有员工(约2230人),从而成为上周第二家停止运营的美国地区性航空企业。美国廉价航空公司Skybus 5日在其网站上宣布,即日起停止所有航线的运营,并成为一周内第三家宣布停止运营的美国航空公司。 Skybus总部设在美国俄亥俄州首府哥伦布,开业不到一年,拥有11架空中客车飞机。其航班连接美国15个城市,票价最低仅10美元。据悉,Skybus将在接下来的一周内提出破产保护申请。 CHICAGO (MarketWatch) -- Look out travelers, flying just got tougher -- and a lot more expensive. The shutdown of ATA Airlines, Aloha Airlines and Skybus Airlines -- all three within one week -- signals a turbulent ride for business and vacation passengers alike as the nation's largest carriers struggle with soaring fuel prices and a limp economy. 由于燃油价格飞涨和经济疲软, 这以为这消费者在旅行中可选择的范围更小了,而且除了机票以外,还必须支付更多的服务费用。 有人指出,虽然特价折扣机票还会有,但是这在主要航空公司的航班中,就跟骑马和马车的走向是一样的。 “这不仅仅因为燃油价格上涨,国内主要航线运量的收缩和小型专门类别的航空公司的停运也起了一定作用” "The days of discount flying are over," said Julius Maldutis, president of consulting firm Aviation Dynamics and a veteran industry analyst. Of course, there will always be specialty-discount carriers like Southwest Airlines and JetBlue, but Maldutis warned that flying for cheap on major car




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